Thank you for your interest in Cove Risk’s money-saving workers’ compensation coverage.
Please supply the following information to receive your FREE, no-obligation quote.
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NOTE: Insurance Agents, please DO NOT request a quote from here.  Instead, send quote documents to

Save on Workers' Comp

Our Cove Risk self-insured workers' comp groups:
Member-Owned Insurance Groups
Local Claims Management Expertise
Superior Premium Savings
Dividend Potential
Join Over 5,000 MA & NH Business Owners
Proactive Health & Safety Consulting Services
Administered by Industry Leading WC Specialist, Cove Risk
 Group Longevity – most over 30 years
For qualified risks only. Participation in a workers’ compensation self-insurance group is not the equivalent of purchasing an insurance policy.
Past dividend history is no guarantee of future results. 

What are our members saying?

Erin CB Stuffer 600px
Erin Calvo-Bacci
CB Stuffer

"It gives me peace of mind knowing my WC coverage is local and best of all – small companies save even more! Highly recommend joining this group.”


Zil 1
Darylyn McGrath
Safety Specialist | Zildjian

“The experience and expertise of Cove Risk’s safety consultant is one of our biggest assets.”


Marylou Sandry
Marylou's Coffee

“This program is the opposite of an insurance company and that’s the beauty of this program. And all that extra money that would go to the  insurance company is going to you in dividends."